Direct Mail

Are people wired for print?

Local businesses in and around south of Boston who advertise through direct mail, are much more likely to convince consumers to part ways with their hard-earned cash.  Why? Direct mail requires less cognitive effort to process than digital media, suggesting that it is both easier to understand and more memorable.

Here are some helpful tips:

Stock photos won’t grab anyone’s attention anymore. If you want your marketing piece to stand out, you will need to be real with people by adding real images from your company.  Add photos of your staff, office environment, vehicles, or photos from your team performing the services.

Be thoughtful with the use of color. Color is one of the most important aspects of any design. It helps to set a mood, create an atmosphere, and can even evoke a memory.

Less is more. Use less text—too many words can overwhelm readers and distract them from your offerings.  Add bold when necessary to make your point standout.